Loans and Mortgages Israeli Economy

Public dumb and therefore the banks are milking you

על כל 100 אלף שקל שילווה הבנק ל-10 שנים הוא ירשום הכנסות מריבית בסך 9,184 שקל; בהלוואה זהה ל-25 שנים הכנסות הבנק מריבית צפויות להיות 51,317 שקל – יותר מפי 5 עסק משתלם לבנק, אבל מה עם הלווים? כשמחירי הדירות עולים, אבל ההכנסה הממוצעת במשק נשארת פחות או יותר ללא שינוי, היינו מצפים לראות עלייה […]

Global economy Real Estate

New York investment properties surged in 2012

A new report by the broker company Ariel Properties from New York states: the market for investment apartment buildings in New York jumped by 54% in 2012 - and amounted to sales of 7.8 billion dollars The market for investment apartment buildings in New York woke up dramatically during 2012. This is according to a new report by The brokerage company Ariel Properties from New York (Ariel Property Advisors). According to the report, [...]

Economic Tips Global economy Real Estate Real-time financial updates Global Market

Global Trade - live updates

Real Time Global Commodity Market We present to you a very important tool for commodity traders. This table aggregates the real-time prices of the goods for commodity traders. From the point of view of investors, the commodity market is a market where there is active trading of raw materials and primary products. The goods are traded on special exchanges for trading in goods which we will detail later. Trading is carried out through standard contracts in which [...]

Global economy Real Estate Fiscal cliff Global Market

The fiscal cliff reasons

The cash balances abroad of the American corporations and the reasons for the fiscal cliff. According to the "Wall Street Journal" magazine, giant American companies hold large cash balances abroad at the same time that within the United States itself they sometimes experience substantial liquidity difficulties. This is because cash is held in places where the actual production takes place and the actual production is in countries where taxes are lower. Emerson Electric […]

Fiscal cliff Global Market Economic effects

A solution to the fiscal cliff - or crisis

בימים הקרובים הבית הלבן ובית הנבחרים חייבים להגיע להסכם בנוגע לחרב התלויה מעל צוואר התמ”ג האמריקני. אפילו בבתי ההשקעות העובדים בכוננות – למרות חג המולד מתחיל להתגמש? ג’ון ביינר (צילום: אימג’בנק, Gettyimages) אובמה ובית הנבחרים האמריקני מותחים את עצביהם של המשקיעים עד לקצה. ביום שישי הקרוב, ה-21 לדצמבר, יצא הקונגרס לחופשה, מה שאומר שהימים הקרובים […]

Technology and money Global economy Global Market

Hurricane 3D beat the West in the coming years

Those who believe that the markets will arrange a better economic future for them are living in an illusion. A sober interview with the investment guru Rob Arnott, who manages 120 billion dollars according to a model that answers the fatal trinity: debt, deficit and demographics Rob Arnott is a person who likes to look reality in the eye. He especially likes to look directly at reality when he can translate it into numerical data, then enter them [...]

Global economy Fiscal cliff Global Market

US fiscal cliff: there is no solution in sight

The White House should adopt a more serious approach to budget cuts, said the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican John Boehner. "B". Boehner also added that the White House needs to adopt a more serious approach in regards to cuts in government spending if it wants to prevent [...]

Global economy Fiscal cliff Global Market Economic effects

Financial cliff approaching !?

The approaching financial cliff in the United States and its possible consequences "Financial cliff" - this is a concept that has become very popular recently due to the probable possibility of its actual occurrence in the United States next year. This is a situation in which the state, in order to reduce its burgeoning debt, drastically raises taxes on the one hand and drastically cuts government spending on the other. The debt of the United States, right […]

Loans and Mortgages Global economy Subprime crisis Real Estate Global Market Economic effects

Dealing American and European front subprime crisis

Since the outbreak of the crisis, government bodies and regulators in the United States and Europe have begun to take similar actions in order to quell the crisis, minimize the risks that arose from it, and stimulate the economy that had sunk into a deep recession. The actions focused on monetary expansions and supporting the banking system by improving liquidity. As mentioned, the crisis hit the European financial system hard because many financial entities in Europe were largely exposed [...]

Global economy Subprime crisis Real Estate Global Market Economic effects

US confrontation in front of the subprime crisis

מאז התגלות המשבר באוגוסט 2007 החלו הרשויות השונות לנקוט בפעולות על מנת לטפל בו. לקראת ספטמבר 2008 כאשר אי-היציבות בשווקים הפיננסים הגדילה את המודעות ואת תשומת הלב למשבר, סוכנויות ממשלתיות, רגולטורים וגורמים פוליטיים החלו לנקוט בצעדים יותר מקיפים לטיפול במשבר. תגובת הממשל, הפדרל ריזרב ובנקים מרכזיים אחרים הייתה מהירה ודרמטית וכיסתה את התחומים הבעייתיים אשר […]