Clothing stores

◁ H&M branch opening hours - 125 David Tobiahu Ave., Beer Sheva

H&M - 125 David Tobiahu Ave., Beer Sheva

⌚ You can get information about a branch including an updated schedule of opening and closing hours, address, exact location and days the store is closed H&M branch located at 125 Shad David Tobiahu Ave., Be'er Sheva
H&M is a Swedish chain that specializes in clothing for children, women and men. The company currently operates about three thousand five hundred stores, in fifty-seven countries all over Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and throughout the Middle East. The company also employs more than one hundred and thirty-two thousand workers.

a day Opening Hours
First 22:00 – 09:30
Crimson 22:00 – 09:30
Third 22:00 – 09:30
Fourth 22:00 – 09:30
Fifth 22:00 – 09:30
Friday 14:00 – 09:00
Sabbath 23:00 – 18:00

general 1900-72-99-93

general 074-7155777