
Haifa Library Opening Hours, Ilanot - 8A Hasna St.

You were looking for information: address, phone, fax, updated operating hours of the Haifa library, an integrated library serving its residents and the towns nearby. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Opening hours Closing day Opening Sunday 18:45 15:00 Monday Closed Tuesday Closed Wednesday 18:45 15:00 Thursday Closed Friday Closed Saturday [...]


Opening times of the Haifa library, Yad Labanim - 48 Hyrakon St

You were looking for information: address, phone, opening hours, updated times of the Haifa library, Yad Labanim serves its residents and the towns nearby. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Yad Labanim library opening hours Closing day Opening Sunday 18:45 14:00 Monday Closed Closed Tuesday 12:45 09:00 Wednesday 18:45 14:00 [...]


◁ Opening Times Kiryat Shmuel Library - 17 Hanatziv St.

You were looking for information: address, phone, fax, updated hours of operation of the Kiryat Shmuel library serving its residents and its neighboring settlements. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Opening hours Closing day Opening Sunday 18:45 15:00 Monday 12:00 09:00 Tuesday Closed Wednesday 18:45 15:00 Thursday 18:45 15:00 Friday [...]


Kiryat Haim Library Opening Times - ◁ Opening times Ma'ale Yosef Library - Ma'ale Hagalil School, Yishuv…

You were looking for information: address, phone, fax, updated operating hours of the Beit Nagler Kiryat Haim library serving its residents and the nearby settlements. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Opening hours Closing day Opening Sunday 18:45 15:00 Monday 18:45 15:00 Tuesday Closed Wednesday 18:45 15:00 Thursday 18:45 15:00 Friday [...]


Kiryat Haim Library Opening Times - Kiryat Haim Library Opening Times -

You were looking for information: address, phone, fax, updated operating hours of the Kiryat Chaim Beit Haina library serving its residents and the nearby settlements. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Opening hours Closing day Opening Sunday 18:45 15:00 Monday 18:45 15:00 Tuesday Closed Wednesday 18:45 15:00 Thursday 18:45 [...]


◁ Opening Hours Haifa Central Library - <small> R.H. Pevzner 54 </small> ◁ Opening Hours Haifa Central Library - <small> R.H. Pevzner 54 </small>

You were looking for information: address, phone, fax, updated operating hours of the Pevzner Library - Haifa serves its residents and the nearby towns. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Opening hours Closing day Opening Sunday 18:45 08:30 Monday 18:45 08:30 Tuesday 18:45 08:30 Wednesday 18:45 08:30 Thursday 18:45 08:30 [...]


Haifa Central Library Haifa Central Library

You were looking for information: address, phone, fax, updated operating hours of the Kiryat Yam municipal library serving its residents and the nearby settlements. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Opening hours Closing day Opening Sunday 19:45 – 11:45 08:00 – 15:00 Monday 19:45 – 11:45 08:00 – 15:00 Tuesday [...]


◁ Opening hours of the Kiryat Yam Municipal Library - 20 Moshe Sharet Blvd. ◁ Opening hours of the Kiryat Yam Municipal Library - 20 Moshe Sharet Blvd.

You were looking for information: address, phone, fax, updated operating hours of the municipal library Kiryat Motzkin serving its residents and the nearby settlements. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Opening hours Closing day Opening Sunday 19:00 – 14:00 09:00 – 16:00 Monday 14:00 09:00 Tuesday 19:00 – 14:00 09:00 [...]


◁ Opening hours Library, Kiryat Bialik Municipal Playground - <small> 30 Ephraim St. </small> ◁ Opening hours Library, Kiryat Bialik Municipal Playground - <small> 30 Ephraim St. </small>

You were looking for information: address, phone, fax, updated operating hours of the municipal library Kiryat Bialik serving its residents and the nearby settlements. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Kiryat Bialik Municipal Library has a playroom, a children's section and a study room. Library opening hours Closing day Opening Sunday 19:45 16:00 Monday [...]


◁ Opening hours of the Kiryat Yam Municipal Library - 20 Moshe Sharet Blvd. ◁ Opening hours of the Kiryat Yam Municipal Library - 20 Moshe Sharet Blvd.

You were looking for information: address, phone, fax, updated operating hours of the Kiryat Ata municipal library serving its residents and the nearby settlements. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Opening hours Closing day Opening Sunday 18:45 – 11:45 09:00 – 15:00 Monday 18:45 – 11:45 09:00 – 15:00 Tuesday [...]