Shabbat entry and exit hours

Tel Aviv Shabbat and holidays

שעות כניסת שבת בעיר תל אביב מעודכן לשנת 2020 פרשת וישלח – שעות יציאת שבת, זמני חגים, מועדי הדלקת נרות, שבת שלום!

Shabbat entry hours in the cities of Kiryat Motzkin, Kiryat Bialik, Kiryat Ata, Kiryat Yam, Kiryat Haim, Kiryat Shmuel Updated for 2020 Shabbat entry hours in the cities of Kiryat Motzkin, Kiryat Bialik, Kiryat Ata, Kiryat Yam, Kiryat Haim, Kiryat Shmuel Updated for 2020 Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday
Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday 16:28 V. Cheshvan 5771
Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday 16:34 17:34
Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday 16:40 17:39
Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday 16:47 18-19/9/2020
Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday 16:53 17:51
Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday Torah portion of the week / holiday 16:59 17:57
K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 17:06 18-19/9/2020
K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 17:12 18:08
K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 17:17 18:14
K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 17:23 18:19
K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 V. Cheshvan 5771 18:24
K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 17:33 18:29
K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 K. Tribe 5764 18:37 19:34
Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 18:42 19:39
Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 18:46 19:43
Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 18:47 19:44
Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 18:50 19:47
Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 18:52 19:50
Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 Y. Nissan 5764 18:57 19:55
Y. Nissan 5764 1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 19:02 1-2/5/2020
1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 20:06
1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 31/7-1/8/2020
1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 18-19/9/2020 20:17
1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 19:20 20:22
1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 20:22
1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 1-2/5/2020 19:25 20:27
21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 Submit 21 Sivan 5764 20:30
21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 19:30 20:32
21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 19:31 20:33
21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 19:31 20:33
21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 19:30 20:31
21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 31/7-1/8/2020 1-2/5/2020
21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 21 Sivan 5764 19:23 21 Sivan 5764
21 Sivan 5764 31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 19:19 20:18
31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 19:13 20:11
31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 19:06 31/7-1/8/2020
31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 18:58 19:56
31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 18:50 19:47
31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 Y. Nissan 5764 19:37
31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 31/7-1/8/2020 18:32 21 Sivan 5764
31/7-1/8/2020 18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18:23 18-19/9/2020
18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 19:17
18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18:13 19:09
18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18:11 19:06
18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18:04 19:00
18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 Torah portion of the week / holiday 18:51
18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 18-19/9/2020 17:47 18:43
V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 17:39 18:36
V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 16:32 17:30
V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 16:27 17:24
V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 16:22 And will send
V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 17:17
V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 16:17 17:16
V. Cheshvan 5771 V. Cheshvan 5771 And will send 16:16 17:16
And will send And will send And will send 16:17 17:17
And will send And will send And will send V. Cheshvan 5771 17:19
And will send And will send Torah portion of the week / holiday 16:23 17:23

הזמנים עבור תל אביב לפי שיטת חזון שמים!
Candle Blessing: Blessed is our God Ii Would you king Haolm, Asr Kdsno Bmtzotio and Tzono Lhdlik lamp made of rags.

And will send