Private Health Clalit Health Services

Reception hours Clalit Health Services - Gilat

Opening hours for Klalit Health Services - Gilat

You can get information including ⌚ updated opening and closing hours, times for receiving a blood test, summoning and canceling appointments of the Klalit branch located at Gilat
Clalit Health Services is the largest and oldest health organization in Israel. The CEO of Clalit Health Services is Noaz Bar-Nir. The seat of Clalit Health Services' management is in the cell, not far from the Histadrut's executive committee.

a day Reception times, opening hours
First closed
Crimson 12:00 – 08:00
Third 19:00 – 15:00
Fourth 12:00 – 08:00
Fifth 18:30 – 15:00
Friday 12:00 – 08:00
Sabbath closed

general *2700

general 08-9925222
general 08-9960741