Post Office Opening Hours

Opening hours Jerusalem Post Emek Refaim 30

Jerusalem Post Office Emek Refaim 30

Address: 30 Emek Refaim St., Jerusalem

Phone: 02-5631789

Fax: 02-5610460

a day Opening Hours Closing hours Pause
Sunday' 08:00 18:00 Non-stop
Monday' 08:00 18:00 12:30-15:30
Tuesday' 08:00 18:00 12:30-15:30
Wednesday' 08:00 13:30 Non-stop
Thursday' 08:00 18:00 Non-stop
Friday' 08:00 12:00 Non-stop
Day S. The branch is closed

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How to contact? Map Jerusalem Post Emek Refaim 30:

General information about the Israel Post branch Jerusalem Emek Refaim 30 Opening hours Closing hours Payments Converting money Services Visa charged Withdrawal and deposit of money In Daur Israel You can pay water bills, property taxes, electricity, etc.