Israel Bank branches

Mizrahi Tefahot Bank - Dizengoff 45, Tel Aviv

Opening hours Bank Mizrahi Tefahot - Dizengof 45, Tel Aviv

Details about Bank Mizrahi Tefahot branch located at Dizengoff 45, Tel Aviv
Mizrahi Tefahot Bank is an Israeli bank. The Bank Group operates in Israel and abroad - engaged in commercial, business and retail banking activities, and mortgage activities in Israel

a day Opening hours
First 14:00 – 09:00
Crimson 18:00 – 16:00 — 14:00 – 09:00
Third 14:00 – 09:00
Fourth 18:00 – 16:00 — 14:00 – 09:00
Fifth 14:00 – 09:00
Friday closed
Sabbath closed

general *8860

general *8860
general 0▷ OPENING TIMES Mizrahi Tefahot Bank - <small>Dizengoff Street 45, Tel Aviv</small>