Israel Bank branches

Bank of Jerusalem at 63 Herzl Street, Rishon Lezion

Bank of Jerusalem opening hours at 63 Herzl Street, Rishon Lezion

Details about the Bank of Jerusalem branch located at 63 Herzl, Rishon Lezion
The Bank of Jerusalem is a bank in the State of Israel that specializes in real estate credit, the capital market, savings and international banking. The Bank of Jerusalem is controlled by an export company which is an investment company in p

a day Opening hours
First 14:30 – 09:00
Crimson 18:00 – 16:00 — 13:30 – 09:00
Third 14:30 – 09:00
Fourth 14:30 – 09:00
Fifth 18:00 – 16:00 — 13:30 – 09:00
Friday closed
Sabbath closed

general ▷ OPENING TIMES Bank of Jerusalem Ltd. - <small>Mall Sakhnin Mall, Sakhnin</small>
Technical Support 0▷ OPENING TIMES Bank of Jerusalem Ltd. - <small>Mall Sakhnin Mall, Sakhnin</small>

general 076-8095053
general 03-9665579