Israel Bank branches

Bank Hapoalim Bam - Darech Abba Hillel Silver 7, Ramat Gan

Bank Hapoalim opening hours at 7 Abba Hillel Silver Road, Ramat Gan

Details about the Bank Hapoalim branch located at Derech Abba Hillel Silver 7, Ramat Gan
Bank Hapoalim is a commercial bank in Israel. As of 2017, it is the largest in Israel, and employs over 12,000 people. The bank operates branches in North America, Europe, South America and the Cayman Islands. The Bank's shares are traded on the Cell Stock Exchange

a day Opening hours
First 14:30 – 09:00
Crimson 17:30 – 16:00 — 13:00 – 09:00
Third 14:30 – 09:00
Fourth 17:30 – 16:00 — 13:00 – 09:00
Fifth 14:30 – 09:00
Friday closed
Sabbath closed

general 03-653-2407
general 03-653-2409
general *2407

general 03-6532407
general 03-6130152