Israel Bank branches

Discount Bank of Israel at 11 Ben Gurion Ave., Ashkelon

Opening hours Discount Bank of Israel at 11 Ben Gurion Ave., Ashkelon

Details about Discount Bank of Israel at the branch located at 11 Ben Gurion Ave., Ashkelon
Israel Discount Bank, or in short, is a commercial bank established in Israel during the British Mandate and to this day operates in Israel.

a day Opening hours
First closed
Crimson 13:00 – 08:30
Third 18:30 – 16:00 — 13:00 – 08:30
Fourth 14:00 – 08:30
Fifth 14:00 – 08:30
Friday 18:30 – 16:00 — 13:00 – 08:30
Sabbath closed

general *6111

general 0▷ OPENING TIMES Discount Bank Ltd - <small>Ben Gurion Ave 11, Ashkelon</small>
general 0▷ OPENING TIMES Discount Bank Ltd - <small>Ben Gurion Ave 11, Ashkelon</small>