Clothing stores

Opening hours BILLABONG branch - Campan 8, Eilat

BILLABONG - Campan 8, Eilat

⌚ You can get information about a branch, including an updated opening hours and closing hours, address, exact location and days when the store is closed Billbill - BILLABONG branch located at Kampen 8, Eilat
Billabong International Limited is a surfing company, mainly a clothing retailer that also manufactures accessories, such as watches, backpacks, skateboards and snowboard products. Refers to Nahal Hapoel only during the rainy season.

a day Opening Hours
First 22:00 – 09:30
Crimson 22:00 – 09:30
Third 22:00 – 09:30
Fourth 22:00 – 09:30
Fifth 23:00 – 09:30
Friday 22:00 – 09:30
Sabbath 23:00 – 09:30

general 073-2346001
general 073-2346029

general 08-6525283