Private Health Clalit Health Services

Reception hours Clalit Health Services - Janusz Korczak 1, Afula

Reception hours Clalit Health Services - Janusz Korczak 1, Afula

You can get comprehensive information מעודכנים Updated opening hours and closing hours, times for receiving a blood test.
Clalit Health Services is the largest and oldest health organization in Israel. The CEO of Clalit Health Services is Noaz Bar-Nir. The seat of Clalit Health Services' management is in the cell, not far from the Histadrut's executive committee.

a day Reception times, opening hours
First 16:00 – 08:00
Crimson ⌚ You can get information about the branch, including an opening schedule and updated closing hours, address, exact location and days when the store is closed.
Third 13:00 – 08:00
Fourth 13:00 – 08:00
Fifth 19:00 – 16:00 — 13:00 – 08:00
Friday 12:00 – 08:00
Sabbath closed

general *2700

general 0You can get comprehensive information מעודכנים Updated opening hours and closing hours, times for receiving a blood test.
general 0You can get comprehensive information מעודכנים Updated opening hours and closing hours, times for receiving a blood test.