Opening hours of marriage registration, bachelorette certificates for Kiryat Yam residents, handling burial matters of Kiryat Yam residents, opening hours, the women of Kiryat Yam.
Opening hours in the religious council:
A-Thursday from 08.00-12.00.
Fridays and holiday evenings have no audience.
Address: Religious Council Kiryat Yam
Kiryat Yam - 15th St., PO. 1189,
Tal: 04-8753771
Fax: 04-8755039
Married Subscribers, Bachelorette Certificate
Opening Hours
On Mondays + Wednesday morning: 9 a.m. to 11:00 (in advance)
Top: 16: 00-18: 00 (in advance)
Kiryat Yam Rabbinical Office
reception hours:
B- Wed's between 09.00-11.00 and 16.00-18.00 (in advance)
Phone: 04-8753819
Hope Kiryat Yam Opening hours
Hope the women
To coordinate hope on Fridays and Holidays Phone: 055-6789788
For a dip on Saturday night phone: 052-2905235
Hope the men
Hope Men: Blan Responsible Ben Yishai Meir Mobile 055635731
Opening Hours:
Summer between: 7 pm-9pm
Winter between 20:00- 5pm
Kadisha Company Opening hours
Care on Kiryat Yam's burial matters
reception hours:
Sundays-Thursdays from 08.00-13.00 Fridays and holiday evenings from 08.00-10.00.
Address: Lehman Street 15. Kiryat Yam
Phone: 04-8777153