Super-Pharm branches open on Saturday

Super Pharm Ramloud, a pharmacy open on Saturdays

Super Pharm

Super Pharm Modi'in Yishpro, a pharmacy open on Shabbat

Address: Azor Al-Malakha St., Yishpro Modi'in Center

Phone: 077-8881250

fax: 077-8881250

a day Opening Hours Closing hours Pause
Sunday' 09:00 22:00 Non-stop
Monday' 09:00 22:00 Non-stop
Tuesday' 09:00 22:00 Non-stop
Wednesday' 09:00 22:00 Non-stop
Thursday' 09:00 22:00 Non-stop
Friday' 08:30 16:00 Non-stop
Day S. 10:00 23:00 Non-stop

General information on Super-Pharm will improve intelligence branch Toran Shabbat Pharmacy, honors prescriptions of health insurance companies: Maccabi, Moechadat and National. At the branch, you can pay for car licensing, opening and closing hours Super Pharm Branch, Modi'in Ishpoor Branch Works seven days a week on days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, working hours from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., on Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Super Pharm is open on Saturdays from 10 :00 to 23:00