A fun day Formation workshops

Formation day for employees, affects employee productivity!

What is a chocolate workshop? What do you learn in chocolate workshops? Who is it suitable for?Interested in fun day chocolate workshops for employees? The chocolate workshops are a sweet attraction for a variety of events.

Chocolate workshop - a fun day for employees

What is the chocolate made of?

The main ingredient in chocolate isThe cocoa made from the tropical cocoa trees. These trees have three varieties Criollo - the rarest variety, Forestro - the most common variety and Trinterio - which is a combination of the two previous varieties together.

The cocoa grows in tropical areas, the chocolate is made from its cocoa beans that go through a process of fermentation, roasting or grinding and thus the familiar cocoa powder is obtained. In the process of chocolate production, other components are added to this powder such as sugar, vanilla, milk, nuts and more.

The virtues of chocolate

Chocolate has a variety of virtues - some that are familiar to us and some that are less so are some of its leading virtues:

  1. Medicinal properties -Chocolate has many medicinal properties. The subject has been researched and scientifically proven that chocolate helps in situations such as preventing depression, maintaining heart health, daily consumption of chocolate helps lower blood pressure and more.
  2. mood -Chocolate is a great way to improve mood. Thanks to the sweetness and caffeine it contains.
  3. helps with concentration -Chocolate helps with concentration and maintaining alertness, so it is recommended to consume one or two cubes of chocolate before exams, for example.

Like everything else, chocolate should also be consumed in a controlled manner. Because it is saturated with sugars and may also cause obesity and other problems when consumed excessively. But controlled and correct consumption of chocolate gives many benefits for a sweet and healthy life.

What is a chocolate workshop and what do you learn in it?

As the name suggests, the workshop deals with chocolate and working with it. In the workshop we learn a little about the origins of chocolate as mentioned above. In some of the more professional workshops, you actually learn the processes of producing cocoa powder in home kitchens.

During the workshop you will learn about different recipes in which chocolate is the main ingredient. This is how you can make chocolate cookies and cakes, chocolate coins and a variety of sculptures made of chocolate. You will use ready-made molds that will be provided by the workshop leader, while giving instructions on how to create wonderful chocolate creations.

A night of ingredients, colors and flavors

In the chocolate workshops, you not only enjoy learning and working with one of the tastiest things - chocolate, but are also exposed to new combinations of chocolate with different ingredients. You can create milk, bitter, white chocolate and more, create different combinations of them. It will also be possible to mix the chocolate with unusual ingredients, such as with tropical cows and cows in general, and enjoy new and special flavors.

Hot chocolate workshops - especially for winter

For the brave among us, there is nothing like a cup of hot chocolate or chocolate soup on a cold winter's day. In the hot chocolate workshops, you will learn methods for working with hot chocolate, among other things, making chocolate soufflé, chocolate soups, and different types of hot chocolate drinks especially in order to make you and your loved ones happy during the cold winter days.

On chocolate and crystallization

Chocolate workshops are highly recommendedAs a group workshop for a variety of events. Whether you are looking for an additional workshop as part of a fun day for employees, or an evening workshop in the office for staff, birthdays, bachelor parties and more, chocolate workshops are workshops that are suitable for any occasion.

Eating the chocolate and working with it greatly helps the atmosphere of consolidation. The cooperation between the employees such as division into groups and occasionally also an atmosphere of competitiveness helps in consolidation and saturation with a lot of laughter and release which can greatly help in breaking the regular work routine.

Experiential and quality professional

We at Yom believe that all our workshops, including our chocolate workshops, must be delivered by first-class professionals, with the aim of providing our customers with a unique and unforgettable experience that will stay with them for a long time. We also believe in the quality of service, experience and learning that are the cornerstones of our workshops.

In our chocolate workshops for groups we understand that most people have never worked with chocolate. The workshops are adapted to this and delivered by professionals specializing in confectionery, desserts and of course chocolate.

So whether you are interested in a spoon day for employees, a team evening, a bachelor party, or any social activity for a group, you are invited to contact us for a sweet and fascinating educational experience delivered in a professional chocolate workshop!