Private Health Maccabi Health Services

Reception hours Maccabi Health Services - 48 Negba Road, Ramat Gan

Opening hours Maccabi Health Services - 48 Negba Road, Ramat Gan

You can get information including ⌚ Updated opening hours and closing hours, times for receiving a blood test, scheduling and canceling appointments of Maccabi Health Services, a branch located at 48 Negba Road, Ramat Gan
Maccabi Health Services is one of the 4 health funds operating in Israel. Maccabi was founded in September 1940 and began its actual work in August 1941. Since 1995, Maccabi has been operating under the State Health Insurance Law.

a day Reception times, opening hours
First closed
Crimson 18:00 – 16:00 — 12:00 – 08:00
Third 12:00 – 08:00
Fourth 18:00 – 16:00 — 12:00 – 08:00
Fifth 12:00 – 08:00
Friday 12:00 – 08:00
Sabbath closed

general *3555

general 03-5742799
general 03-5742558