Office hours Ashkelon officer
Address: 84 Sderot Ben Gurion St. Ashkelon
Phone: 08-6512506, 08-6793361
fax: 08-6793361
Phone 24 hours Multi Lines 03-5691000General Staff: 0302-1000
Opening hours
Day A'- 08: 00-17: 00
Day B'- 08: 00-17: 00
Day III 08: 00-17: 00
Day D'- 08: 00-17: 00
Day Thursdays 08: 00-17: 00
Friday and Saturday - closed
General information on Ashkelon officer Any questions, approvals, treatment of families imprisoned mental disruption to a regular or reserve soldier, Ashkelon officer עובד שישה ימים בשבוע בימים: א’,ב’, ג’,ד’, ה’, שעות פתיחה מ 8:00 ברציפות ועד לשעה 17:00, On Friday, an officer of the city close!
* You can contact us after hours
Phone 24 hours Multi Lines 03-5691000General Staff: 0302-1000