Shopping Decathlon Open Hours

Decathlon Mayer Rothschild Tower, Tel Aviv, opening hours

DECATHLON - A major chain of sports enthusiasts, semi-professional to professional sports equipment for all existing sports.

Decathlon Meyer Rothschild Tower, Tel Aviv

DECATHLON Decathlon Tel Aviv opening hours, The largest chain of stores in Israel for sports enthusiasts, semi-professional to professional sports equipment for all existing sports, all in one place.

Business hours Decathlon Group

Address: 34 Rothschild Boulevard, Mayer Rothschild Tower, Tel Aviv

Opening Hours:

Decathlon Group Allenby Rothschild branch in Tel Aviv

a day Closing time Opening time
Sunday 22:00 10:00
Monday 22:00 10:00
Tuesday 22:00 10:00
Wednesday 22:00 10:00
Thursday 22:00 10:00
Friday 22:00 10:00
Saturday 22:00 Sat.

Opening hours during holidays
You can find the Facebook page of Decathlon Group

Decathlon is a successful chain of stores from France.