Post Office Opening Hours

Opening hours of Alon Mora post office

סניף דואר אלון מורה

כתובת: אלון מורה

טלפון: 02-9974867

a day Opening Hours Closing hours Pause
Sunday' 09:30 Serves its residents and the surrounding communities. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Non-stop
Monday' 09:30 Serves its residents and the surrounding communities. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Non-stop
Tuesday' 09:30 14:00 Non-stop
Wednesday' 09:30 Serves its residents and the surrounding communities. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Non-stop
Thursday' 10:00 Serves its residents and the surrounding communities. In the library you can find new books, e-books and the most borrowed books, for development and self-enrichment, tools to encourage reading for children and adults. Non-stop
Friday' 09:00 11:30 Non-stop
Day S. The branch is closed

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מידע כללית על סניף דואר ישראל אלון מורה שעות פתיחה שעות סגירה תשלומים המרת כסף שירותים ויזה נטען משיכה והפקדת כסף בדאור ישראל ניתן לשלם חשבונות מים ארנונה חשמל וכו’