Israel Bank branches

Union Bank - 083 Carmel Center Mahanayim 4, Haifa

Opening hours Union Bank - 083 Carmel Center Mahanayim 4, Haifa

Details about Union Bank, 083 Carmel Center branch located at Mahanayim 4, Haifa
Union Bank is the seventh largest bank in the banking system in Israel, it provides banking services to private and business customers. The bank was established in 1951, operates through 36 branches and employs more than 1,200 employees.

a day Opening hours
First closed
Crimson 18:00 – 15:30 — 13:00 – 08:30
Third 14:00 – 08:30
Fourth 18:00 – 15:30 — 13:00 – 08:30
Fifth 14:00 – 08:30
Friday 12:00 – 08:30
Sabbath closed

general *3215
general *3210
general *5757

general 1-599-599-083
fax 04-8306701