Ivory Computers

Ivory branch in Kiryat Haim

Opening hours Ivory Kiryat Haim branch, address, map

Details Ivory Kiryat Haim branch located at the address: Vulcan Junction Factory St., Kiryat Haim
Ivory Haifa branch phone number across the bay: 8280*

Opening Hours:

Ivory Kiryat Haim across the bay

a day Closing time Opening time
Sunday 19:30 09:30
Monday 19:30 09:30
Tuesday 19:30 09:30
Wednesday 19:30 09:30
Thursday 19:30 09:30
Friday 14:30 09:00
Saturday closed

Business hours Laboratory:
Sunday-Thursday 9: 30-17: 30, Fri and holiday eves 9: 00-13: 00

Map of how to get to the Ivory Computers Kiryat Haim branch outside the Gulf:

Map branch