roof sealing

Roof sealing in Givat Olga 24/7 hours

Sealing and shingling roofs in Givat Olga 24/7 on Saturdays and holidays!

Fast and professional roofing and waterproofing services,
Maintenance and repair of roofs with only the finest materials
Commitment to fair prices!
working 24 hours, including Sabbath!

Waterproofing roofs with a professional team
Northern seal member
Northern area, Haifa area, Krayot area

roof sealing Givat Olga

Company Ltd. - The Timur Halabi brothers
Solutions for all types of sealing, materials with a standard mark only

Peaks sealing member

Waterproofing roofs Price:

Price Services Sealing and tarring roofs in Givat Olga Recommended, based on a comparative study of various works such services;
Waterproofing, roofing tar and plastering, providing business services for private and public bomb.

Prices range depending on the type of work:

Plastering roof
Price per 4-3 ₪

Roof waterproofing roofs and 10 years young
The price per square meter 100-80 ₪

Roof waterproofing roofs to 7 years young
The price per square meter 90-70 ₪

Waterproofing, polyurethane
The price per square meter 75-55 ₪

The price per square meter 45-35 ₪

Acrylic sealant material
The price per square meter 65-45 ₪

Casting of light concrete
The price per square meter 60-50 ₪